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Structured Packings

The selection of the correct style of packing for a particular separation is the most important decision that will be made during the design of a packed column. With so many options available, experience counts. The tradeoff between cost, efficiency and capacity are a delicate balancing act that should be at the heart of any packing selection.

There is an ever present trade off in the design of column packing. With a higher surface area comes a greater efficiency, but also a lower capacity. When this is also balanced against the overall size of the column and the associated cost, the choice of packing may no longer be as clear cut as it first appeared to be.Saiptech has developed a range of structured packing that maximized both the surface area and open area for superior efficiency and performance. Coupled with this is an exceptional mechanical strength that gives advantages in durability.

Structured packings are characterized by high performance and a flexible application concept. It has a very efficient technique and a versatile range of applications. The packings offer a high separation efficiency, good wettability and a low pressure drop and can be exactly adapted to the respective fractionation problem. They are used in the fields of distillation, absorption and liquid-liquid extraction. For a new application or replacement, we offer a comprehensive range that can meet all your requirements.

This equipment is made to exacting standards and is customized to suit all applications including revamps that require installation between existing weld-in attachments. Overall, these packings provide our clients with exceptional cost sensible solutions Utilize our extensive test and research data as well as our in-house design programs, Saiptech can provide optimum packing selection solutions. Along with our expertise in the design of the associated column internals, you can expect a one stop shop for optimized packed column designs.

Type of Structured Packing

  • Metal corrugate packing
  • Ceramic structured packing
  • Plastic structured packing
  • Wire gauze type packing
  • Grid type packing

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