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Sieve Tray

Sieve trays became a dominate tower internal for mass transfer columns in the 1950’s owing to their simple shape and ease of manufacture. This made sieve trays a popular device for extensive research and as a result, a considerable amount of experience has been gained for tray design and its application. Sieve trays are flat perforated plates in which vapour is forced through the holes into the cross flowing liquid. Vapour flow prevents liquid from leaking /weeping through the holes. At low vapour velocities, liquid weeping through the holes occurs, which bypasses a portion of the tray active area and reduces efficiency, giving sieve trays relatively low turndown ratio which approx. 2-2.5:1.

Saiptech has the capability to design and manufacture virtually any type of sieve tray. Tray hole sizes down to 3.2 mm and up to 19 mm in diameter are offered.

Fractionation trays are fabricated from a wide variety of materials. When corrosion is expected to be extremely low and design temperatures are not excessive, carbon steel is a logical choice because of its favorable mechanical design properties, malleability and low cost. However, since the material of construction is dictated by the process of each particular system for which the trays will be used many different material types may be required because of unique properties which allow some mate to have resistance to corrosion and to maintain their mechanical strength at elevated temperatures.
The most common tray materials that Saiptech utilizes are listed below starting from least expensive:
  • Carbon steel
  • Stainless steel: 410s/304/316L/321
  • 2205/2507 Duplex Steel
  • Titanium
  • Nickel Monel
  • Plastic PE/PP/PVDF
  • Hastelloy

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