Vane Inlet Diffuser
Saiptech designs and develops separation technology that makes oil and gas production more efficient and less expensive. To overcome the criticality of separator inlet arrangements the use of Saiptech's technologies will ensure the best achievable distribution. The Vane Inlet Diffuser is an excellent inlet device for a wide range of operating conditions and results in more compact solutions.


Vane Inlet Structure
CFD Simulation
Excellent gas / liquid separation
Due to its optimal design and large open areas, the Vane Inlet Diffuser smoothly introduces the fluid into the vessel. As the fluid is evenly distributed among the vanes, the velocity is significantly reduced. This results in an increased gas-liquid separation by gravity at the inlet nozzle, improving the overall separation efficiency of the vessel.
No adverse effects
Adverse effects experienced with other inlet devices, like liquid entrainment due to high shear forces, do not occur in the Vane Inlet Diffuser. With the gas velocity reduced to a minimum, negative effects like swirling or liquid re-entrainment will be avoided. Due to the large open areas there is no pressure drop and no potential for blockage. Furthermore, no maintenance is required due to the very robust design.
Competitive Advantage
The advantages of the Vane Inlet Diffuser are:
Smooth introduction of fluids into vessel
Maximized liquid drop-out
Excellent gas flow distribution
Where required, Integrated Flow Conditioner
No pressure drop
No blockage due to large open areas
Maintenance free
Removable through Man Way
No welding required for installation
Easy retrofit