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Separator Internal

High Efficiency Phase Separation Internals

Compact,robust technoloy for efficient phase separation

Saiptech has a continuous focus on the development of robust, high-efficiency phase separation internals, which are designed to meet the most stringent performance demands in a compact space.

The documented high separation performance of the internals reduces the risk of operation, ensures that minimal maintenance of downstream equipment is needed, and boasts low life cycle cost. The high-efficiency phase separation internals will reduce the need for chemicals as defoamers and demulsifiers and can help capture the valuable liquid in a gas stream prior to the transport.

They also are valuable for retrofits of existing vessels to achieve increased capacity or to ensure separation for existing vessels and serve as a key element in robust compact systems when pressure is high or space is limited.


The high-efficiency phase separation internals are used in phase separators for separation of oil, gas, sand and water. These applications include

  • scrubber vessels
  • two-phase separators
  • three-phase separators
  • freewater knockout drums
  • flare knockout drums
  • contactor towers
  • slug catchers


High-efficiency phase separation internals reduce the size and weight of the pressure vessel, reduce the footprint, and reduce the need for floor space, thereby lowering the overall cost.During operation, high-efficiency phase separation internals protect the process system from contamination. They also reduce the operating cost of maintenance to the process system related to

  • chemical usage (i.e., defoamers and demulsifiers)
  • compressor breakdown
  • compressor wear on intake valves
  • fouling of downstream heat exchangers
  • pump cavitation from free gas in the liquid
  • hydrocarbon contamination
  • wear of valve trimming
  • limited capacity of the existing vessels.

The high-efficiency phase separation system helps protect the process plant from potentially unsafe situations during maintenance or replacement of process equipment and the risk associated with compressor breakdowns. The internals capture the free liquid in the gas stream, ensuring minimal loss of valuable liquid hydrocarbons or glycols.

In-vessel separation

Operators are continuously looking for more efficient and compact separation systems to reduce overall costs. This drives the development of high-efficiency phase separation internals. Our answer to this challenge is to

  • decrease separation time by using centrifugal, capillary, or electrostatic forces rather than just gravity forces
  • reduce separation distances within the separator vessel by using structured packing or plate packs
  • ensure that the intended separator volumes are fully used by using perforated plates in separators and mesh pads in scrubbers.

As an alternative to in-line separation, Schlumberger suggests the use of in-vessel separation, which enables more efficient use of separation volume compared with traditional gravity separation vessels.

Advantages of In-Vessel Separation

  • No new tags in the process systems
  • No added regulation to the system
  • No dirty streams that require additional treatment
  • No added blowdown volumes
  • No added size or weight
  • No need for hot work during installation

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