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Liquid Distributor

Packed columns require properly designed liquid distribution systems to effectively irrigate the entire packed bed. The mass transfer performance of a packed column is highly dependent upon the quality of liquid distribution through the packed bed. To achieve optimum mass transfer for the entire operating range of a packed column, equal distribution of liquid over the entire bed cross-section must occur. Other important characteristics of liquid distributors include low gas-side pressure drop, low sensitivity to fouling, low overall height as well as the ability to handle multiple incoming feed streams, if necessary. Liquid distributors must be designed to allow for field leveling to ensure equal distribution of liquid over the entire distributor cross-section.

Saiptech’s comprehensive experience over the past decades ensures the selection of the optimal solution for each application. For the wide range of various applications, we provide the following basic designs of liquid distributors:

  • Pan-type distributor
  • Trough-type distributor
  • Deck-type distributor
  • Ladder-type distributor
  • Spray nozzle-type distributor

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